Are you looking to grow your organisation… have more vitality, balance and profit?

Are you a manager or business owner who:

  • is feeling overwhelm
  • can’t remember when you last had family time, a holiday or even a day off when you didn’t think about your business
  • has small business overload trying to be and do everything for everyone in your business
  • is working too many hours on too many different aspects of your business
  • has your work whirling around in your head 24 hours a day

and don’t even have profit as a substitute?

A Vibrant Business and a Vibrant Life is Possible.


Purpose – Energy – Pleasure – Profit

Find your vitality with the right PEPP program for you.

PEPP Express

A half day group workshop with follow up zoom sessions to kickstart your mindset and vitality.

Learn more

PEPP Exceed

A one-year coaching program designed to move you towards 100% Vitality.

Learn more

PEPP Exclusive

Personalised, one on one coaching or a special workshop for a team in your organisation.

Learn More

Resilience is hard. Do you fear:

  • failure – what your family/ team members/ customers/ accountant/ others think
  • missing your children grow up, especially if you started the business to have more family time
  • a heart attack or some other life-threatening disease?

Watch the video to know how Jo can help.

You can

  • double your energy, maximise your profit and create a fully self-managed business
  • reduce your stress, increase your vitality and create a lifestyle you love.

Where are YOU on your VITALITY JOURNEY?

To PEPP® Up your life and live with more vitality

  • start by defining your Purpose
  • next add some Energy
  • along the way, have plenty of Pleasure
  • and to continue in business maximise your Profit.

PEPP® is our secret to creating purposeful, energised, pleasurable and profitable organisations and lives.

Identify YOUR PEPP® Balance

When you have balance it is a bit like what you need to move forwards or backwards on a unicycle. You may decide though that you’d prefer to ride a bicycle or tandem. And that’s perfect too: each person’s definition of balance is unique to them.

Everyone, not just managers and business owners, need PEPP® – Purpose, Energy, Pleasure and Profit – all the time. The emphasis/priority/order that you give each one will vary from person to person, and within an individual may change in time depending on what else is going on for them.

A business owner with a new baby will have different weightings for each aspect of PEPP® to the day she started the business. And that will be different again to her partner who is an employee working, for example, for a government department. Her purpose may change from adding value to her clients to being the best mum and role model for her child.

Have an awareness of your energy levels and take action as appropriate. You may be in your “flow state” and want to capitalise on that or, be “out of sorts” and need to bring yourself back to optimum.

Take scheduled time out for pleasure every day. Be open to spontaneity but also create things to look forward to.

Depending on where you’re at, “balance” may mean getting more sleep or more exercise to adjust your energy, taking a lunch break or a holiday, working less or perhaps more hours or identifying a purpose to move closer to. It also might be taking extra strategic time to PinkTank® or brainstorm a new marketing plan to increase customers or review costs to grow profit.

There’s no such thing as work-life balance. There are work-life choices, and you make them, and they have consequences.

Jack Welch (Former CEO of General Electric)

Balance is not something you find it’s something you create.

Jana Kingsford (Motivational Speaker)

There is no such thing as work-life balance – it is all life. The balance has to be within you.

Sadhguru (Indian Yogi & New York Times Best-selling Author)

Define YOUR Purpose

Living without purpose would be like starting the engine of your car without knowing where you are driving to. Your purpose might be as simple as setting a good example for your children or as complex as to leave a legacy that changes the world.

Your purpose/dream/goal can be the same for a long time or forever, or change over time.

People who live purposefully tend to be happier and it’s now been proven that happier people live longer.

Some people are so busy frantically living from day to day and don’t ever stop to “smell the roses” or question “what’s next?” or what they’d rather be doing?

Other people become more purposeful after having a near-death experience or losing a loved one – especially if it happens suddenly.

And if you’re wondering where to start to “find” your purpose, perhaps you need to stop. Literally. And preferably somewhere away from any distractions, especially electronic ones. Meditating is great. Being amongst nature is great. Writing is great: but using a pen/pencil and paper rather than typing.

Australian nurse Bronnie Ware surveyed the regrets of the dying. She discovered that the #1 regret was “I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself not the life others expected of me”.

And Sir Richard Branson said “In the modern world there can be no profit without a well-defined purpose.”

When writing the story of your life, don’t let anyone else hold the pen.

Harley Davidson

Singleness of purpose is one of the chief essentials for life, no matter what may be one’s aim.

John D Rockefeller

When your life is on course with your purpose you are your most powerful.

Oprah Winfrey

Everything Is Energy

Are you like many people who are so exhausted that your energy is in a downward spiral? If you are a manager or small business owner then this filters through to your team, customers, suppliers and everyone you are in contact with. And then you take this “vibe” home to your family.

Be aware of your energy levels. Stop, take some quiet time and consciously ask yourself how your body is? Really. You will get the answer that is right for you in that moment.

Listen to your gut! It is the most powerful/sensitive of our three brains (in our head, heart and stomach). Your gut knows what’s good for you if given a chance to “speak”.

If you don’t self-regulate to decide a healthy balance of activities then your environment or “The Universe” will have an uncanny knack of bringing you back to balance. I recall about 25 years ago when I tripped on my front door step and fractured my ankle, my very first thought was “oh thank goodness… I can stop now”!

You also might get a response that it's time to "ramp up"... move more and/or faster. In this case some preparation may be required such as seeking medical advice or working with a nutritionist.

If you're a manager or small business owner, the business itself also has an energy to be managed: that may need to be sped up or slowed down.

Everything we do is infused with the energy with which we do it. If we’re frantic, life will be frantic. If we’re peaceful, life will be peaceful.

Marianne Williamson

When you are enthusiastic about what you do you feel this positive energy. It is very simple.

Paulo Coehlo

The higher your energy level, the more efficient your body. The more efficient your body the better you feel and the more you will use your talent to produce outstanding results.

Anthony Robbins

We All Want Pleasure

Prioritise pleasure. Allowing yourself to be playful like a child is good for your soul.

It is important to schedule time for pleasure whilst being open to having spontaneous fun. Do more than just work, eat and sleep.

If you are a manager or business owner, taking time out for pleasure will actually benefit the business because you will return revitalised and refreshed. You will be ready to work harder, make better decisions and be more creative than when tired. Employees are the same!

Happier leaders are healthier and create happier teams.

One half of the world cannot understand the pleasures of the other.

Jane Austen

High heels are pleasure with pain.

Christian Lamboutin (French fashion designer)

Having wallowed in pleasures we cease to feel any pleasure.

Rabindranath Tagore (Indian poet)

To Continue Business You Need Profit

Profit is not everything but business is not sustainable without it.

Profit is the return for investing in a business with your time and/or money. In some situations the profit is measured in a currency other than money.

Don't work for nothing. Make a profit to give to charity rather than being the charity or allowing a client who doesn't pay be the charity.

Profit is different to turnover and cashflow. Many managers or business owners have significant turnover and cashflow without being profitable. Are you challenged to read and understand your balance sheet so you don't actually know if you are profitable or not?

In the modern world there can be no profit without a well-defined purpose.

Sir Richard Branson

In a truly great company profits and cash flow become like blood and water to a healthy body. They are absolutely essential for life but are not the very point of life.

Jim Collins

Business must be run at a profit, else it will die. But when anyone tries to run a business solely for profit, then also the business must die, for it no longer has a reason for existence.

Henry Ford