As we wind down for the end of year festivities, I’m writing today to simply wish you a Festive Season filled with vitality which for me includes great health, loved ones around and some down time for quietness and serenity as well as FUN.
And I’m very mindful when saying that that some of us have had the decision for some of this taken out of our hands this year. If that’s you then my extra caring thoughts are with you.
After the year we’ve all had, I’m wondering whether Woollies was trying to put a smile on little faces this year more than usual… or perhaps as my “little person” will be 23 on Sunday, I’ve just not taken any notice of this marketing to be “Santa ready” previously!

Not everyone is OK
I’ve continued my voluntary role as a Community Ambassador for R U OK? Day this year and more than ever we know that whilst the message that a conversation can save a life is getting through to more people, we also know that this is a lonely season for many.
Here’s a video outlining some of the impact we’ve had and the benefits of staying connected with those in all our communities – at home and at work, as well as our wider communities of the local coffee shop, gym and beyond. I even make a cameo appearance towards the end!
Everyone can make a difference to others by, for example:
- Being thoughtful in our interactions and approach to others by respecting boundaries set by friends and family
- Actively listening to those in your world who want to share information
- Make time to connect with someone you haven’t heard from recently
Is there anything I may help you with?
After some re-grouping time myself, I’ll be back on deck in a couple of weeks to help with improving the vitality of others, including you.
Early in 2021 I’ll be offering a variety of options – online and in person, half day and longer workshops – to help people PEPP® up and “kick start” the year with some different perspectives.
The first event is a FREE 50 minute webinar on Thursday 21st January 2021 at 11 am AEST called Why VITALITY Is Important Now & How To Improve YOURS Book here to secure your spot!
I work with leaders and business owners, as individuals or as part of a group, as well as their teams. If you’d like to know more, please reach out by contacting me here.
Until next time, I wish you peace, great health and fun whilst staying safe!

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