How do you hire the right people?
We are people first. Individuals. But to be the best version of ourselves as leaders and business owners we need the right people around us. We buy from those we know, like and trust. We want to be supported by those who we like, trust and are competent to perform their job.
Big business and recruitment agencies have been using behavioural profiling for many years as an essential part of the hiring process. This is now a tool available to you as a small business owner or leader to increase the likelihood of creating a team that functions optimally for increased vitality of the organisation.
Hiring and Selection Assessments
With the revolution of online job search, it has become increasingly challenging for any business to find and keep the best qualified and talented people. Individuals are constantly searching for the next best job for them. Job turnover rates have jumped by more than 14% in the last decade and that number continues to increase.
Employers can reverse this trend, by utilising online profiling to accurately qualify job applicants, build the perfect team for special projects, enhance organisational restructuring and provide a basis for promotion and succession planning within the organisation. Using quality science-supported online profiling tools can eliminate the risk for companies while optimising their greatest potential attribute, their people.
These online assessments work by measuring numerous criteria including: skilled proficiency, behavioural style, motivation, decision-making and personal values. Vitality is increased when people understand themselves.
Assessments are a concrete step toward establishing a solid pool of talent for any company.
The coaching tools catalogue of hiring and selection reports is vast. It includes many options to assist with the hiring process as well as create more effectiveness and higher performance from the team you already have. More vitality.
DISC Recruitment Benchmarking System
The DISC Recruitment Benchmarking System will provide business owners and leaders, coaches, managers and HR professionals with the ability to compare new applicants to identified job performance benchmarks. Prospective job applicants can be compared to current employees who have already demonstrated the preferred attributes necessary for success.
One of the innovative qualities of the system is that it enables the user to select as many benchmarks or individuals as desired, with a high-level overview of 10 or even 20 different applicant comparisons. There are dozens of pre-defined benchmarks to choose from for specific roles or, if the role is a new one, a brand new customised one can be created from scratch for the role you need to fill.
Other Profiling Options
As well as the standard “DISC” personality profiling offerings, many others are available for more specific needs. For example, the Motivators evaluation uncovers what motivates a person to behave in a certain way; rather like getting to the core of an issue. Motivators are what motivate people to display the behaviours that show up in the DISC profile: what drives you. Your core value set.
Workshop + Profiling Combination
Jo recently ran a conference workshop titled “Stop Procrastination and PEPP® Up Your Life”. Each attendee completed a Motivators Profile ahead of the event (which takes 10-15 minutes) and then received their bound highly individualised comprehensive report during the workshop.
On another occasion, Jo facilitated a team meeting during which multiple DISC profiles were plotted on a single graph to identify behavioural characteristics of the whole team. This enabled “gaps” to be seen and potentially filled with the hiring of a new team member: a process that Jo also helped with.
Contact Jo
Enquire what behavioural profiling options are available to support your situation. This may be because you are hiring a new employee or want to enhance the performance of the team you already have. Or, because you’re interested in reading and learning about yourself and consciously evolving and improving.