Jo often says “We are people first”. We are an individual before we are a partner or a parent. We are our own person before we are a business owner or team member. Whilst very happy in her own company, she thrives in the company of others. “Others” goes way beyond her family and friends and she gives her time to a wide range of community organisations and not-for-profits. Sometimes she includes her existing friends in these: she always make new friends along the way!
Here is a selection of causes that Jo currently gives time to or has supported over the last few years.

Professional Speakers Australia (PSA)
2024 PSA National Event Coordinator
PSA is the industry peak body in Australia for experts who speak.
After supporting the Queensland/Northern Territory Chapter Leadership Team from 2016, in 2022, Jo was President. This broadened her responsibility immensely.

Community Ambassador (2018 – Present)
For the Australian suicide prevention charity, Jo helps to share the “R U OK?” message that “A conversation could change a life” and indeed save a life. She presents the prepared and authorised “R U OK?” material and adds her own story about why mental health is such an important issue in the community.
Recently Jo has been featured in some promotional videos for R U OK? Here’s one about Community Ambassadors.

Friends for Fiji
Community Jo created in 2012
There’s nothing quite like being in a full-blown natural disaster to feel somewhat helpless. On 16th December 2012, Jo was on a combined business trip and holiday in Fiji when Tropical Cyclone Evan left a trail of destruction through the South Pacific.
After being terrified and stranded for an extra few days (because the airport was shut), the damage witnessed to homes led her to think “What can we do to help these people?”
Jo rallied some friends and via a facebook page created Friends for Fiji.
She was completely overwhelmed by the support it received and often came home to donations on her doorstep. Someone donated the movement from Brisbane to Suva of a shipping container (including storage at his business whilst it was being packed) and a supplier / client / friend facilitated the unpacking and distribution of the goods once in Fiji. Other friends too numerous to mention gave time and “things” as diverse as clothing, including a pallet load of brand new workwear, and a dozen telescopes to transform school science lessons.
It was a truly humbling experience and wonderful to have initiated such human kindness.

Brisbane North Chamber of Commerce (BNCC)
Executive Committee Member (2009 – 2018)
Jo has been a member of BNCC which is North Brisbane’s largest Chamber of Commerce since 2006 and served on the executive committee for 9 years. She assisted with the running of events. These varied from networking evenings to signature events with a keynote speaker such as to celebrate International Women’s Day or Pink Ribbon awareness for breast cancer.

Le Dîner en Blanc – Brisbane
Volunteer Group Leader (2013 – 2019)
Le Dîner en Blanc is a French tradition dating back to 1988 when a group of friends met for an “elegant pop-up picnic” in Paris. Because they didn’t all know one another, the organiser suggested everyone wear white. And so “The White Dinner” started and now, following very strict guidelines, is repeated in many cities around the world.
It’s a rare day that Jo leaves her trademark fuchsia in the wardrobe. She embraces white wholeheartedly, including nails, with only her lips remaining pink as she leads the hundreds in her group to the secret dining location. Over 3,000 Members and Guests attended the event last year in Brisbane.

Australian Footbike Association (AFA)
Committee Member (2010 – 2018)
Jo’s most regular exercise is to kick a footbike – like an adult scooter with bicycle wheels.
She served on the AFA Committee since her son competed in the World Championships in Italy in 2010 and some fundraising support was required.
In 2016 Australia hosted the biennial Footbike World Championships and welcomed competitors from around the world to the Gold Coast. As well as competing herself, Jo was largely responsible for the associated website and updates before, during and after the event.