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Date(s) - 20/11/2019
6:30 pm - 8:30 pm AEST

The Cheeseboard

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In this Cheese and Chocolate Masterclass, learn the art of cheese and chocolate pairing with a guided tasting of hand crafted chocolates by Chokola’j and Australian artisan cheeses from The Cheeseboard.

You will enjoy a glass of bubbly (sparkling wine, beer, cider or water) and antipasto on arrival. We will keep the bar open if you require additional drinks.

The Cheeseboard is a “finishing cave” for Australian cheese, especially exceptional ones made by small producers. Affinage is the art of aging cheese gracefully and our host Wendy Downes will explain how this occurs in her unique venue.

Chokola’j – pronounced ‘sho-koh-lah’ – is the Mayan verb for ‘drinking chocolate together’. Their products are the next level, pushing the usual boundaries by working with savoury flavours like pesto basil and balsamic vinegar. All are made completely from scratch with ethically selected produce.

PEPP® means living life and business through a lens of Purpose, Energy, Pleasure and Profit. Too often people put pleasure last and it’s impacting our vitality and our mental wellness. A PEPPexperience event is designed to change that.

This is business networking with a big difference. Come and try something new, learn and enjoy because… an hour of play is better than a year of conversation for creating deep connections. What else do you have to do on a Wednesday night?


Bookings are closed for this event.