Optimal mental health for business owners and leaders is crucial for their vitality and their ability to run businesses and lead teams. At least 1 in 5 Australians experience mental illness every year and, with 800,000 people having experienced post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) at any given time, it’s the second most common mental health disorder.

From Jo’s own experience, she wants to help people understand that this is not relative only to first responders, the military and people affected by armed conflict. It’s also not something only found among survivors of abuse and ‘obvious’ trauma. It’s far bigger than that. Her own journey towards, through, and mostly out the other side, is what she knows others can learn from.

Building Resilience in Business and Life from the Jagged Edges of PTSD

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“Another symptom I had was no apparent love for my baby or anyone in fact. I was numb. All the time. I knew he was a handsome baby but I didn’t feel anything for him. I was existing on ‘mothering autopilot’ somehow…

My many years of supporting others with the big juggle of personal, family and business life has lead me to come up with a term I call PEPP® as an indicator for goals, progress towards them and decision making. PEPP® is an acronym meaning Purpose, Energy, Pleasure and Profit…

PEPP® is a tool that helps you think about your values before doing any activity. And I mean any activity. In business or outside of business.”

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Be Inspired To Find Your Own Resilience

Jo Hassan did not just ‘arrive’ as the vibrant pink personality she is so well known for. Through her life’s journey, you’ll read of wisdom and strategies that you too could embrace. The Girl from the small English Village, met and married the Man from Cyprus in Far North Queensland, and soon after inherited a 12 year old step-daughter – a very lonely and distressed girl from Turkey.

This resulted in step-parenting in a culturally diverse family unit, with constant troubles along the way led to postnatal depression (PND), and ongoing issues with post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) when Jo finally had her own baby. And yet Jo found ways to work through these, and business challenges over a 20 year period to become the ‘Queen of Resilience’.

For Jo, the colour pink has long been her ‘go-to happy place’ and became a strong component of her ability to work through her PTSD. In this book she shares the background and how she overcame the struggles to be “the sum of all those parts”… to evolve and now share her howIf you struggle with mental illness or know someone who does, this book may be helpful. And especially so if you or they are a small business owner or leader.

Prepare to be shocked by some of the jagged edges Jo describes, but ready to also laugh at the surprising co-incidences that make up Jo’s delightful story, and how she arrived at creating the PEPP® formula for finding your own resilience in life and in business.

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In this easily readable book Jo Hassan beautifully describes her life’s journey across continents and cultures. It is written with candour and empathy. Many readers will be able to identify with the challenges and hardships she has faced over the years. That she has triumphed over them is no surprise.
Ultimately, the message that comes through is one of optimism, hope and the value of persistence. Being the remarkable woman that she is, her own observations and experiences have provided her with a unique capacity to offer valuable insights to others facing difficulties be they be in life, relationships or business.This is a book that needs to be read over and over again because you learn something new each time.
Dr. Tom George, Psychiatrist

A very honest, heartbreaking but at the same time positive read. My sister’s life chronicled… how I wish I was not on the other side of the world. An inspiring book which I hope helps other people who are suffering or who have suffered from PTSD, postnatal depression, depression or other challenges.

Paula Tripp, Jo’s Loving Sister

If you’ve already read “Full Circle – Building Resilience in Business and Life from the Jagged Edges of PTSD” please click here to download the resources referenced