As a fresh approach to happiness in business and life, the PEPP® Exceed Program is a one year commitment to move along the Vitality Journey: up the scale towards 100% Vitality
Progressing through the Vitality Journey is a bit like breaking a bone in your body, having a plate and pins inserted and moving through the recovery process to the freedom of movement you had previously.
What we want to do is take you up the Vitality Journey to “100%” where you have the balance in your life you dream of… you have the most vitality you can imagine. Any journey has a starting point and a destination. Sometimes those points are deliberate and sometimes they are deliberately not deliberate for example when we’re on holiday and/or looking for adventure. Sometimes where we’re starting from gives perspective to the destination and is hard to work out. We need other markers to help us like when we’re apparently lost in an unknown city and we might use a church or a road intersection to help us find our bearings.
On the Vitality Journey, how we’re feeling and what we’re focusing our attention on are like the roads that we need to find an intersection for. If you feel completely balanced and “free”, living the lifestyle of your dreams then you have 100% vitality.
If you are a business owner then turning up to work in the traditional sense is optional. You have a team who are following systems and everything works “like clockwork” whether you are there or not. You are available to build relationships and work on strategy, and the profits flow so you are free to spend time on whatever you love to do. If, for example, you had broken the top off your arm, you would have complete movement restored and may even be ready to push yourself further than before. You feel like and actually are exceeding in your business and other areas of your life.
At the other end of the spectrum, activity of any sort is extremely limited and you are in immense pain. If your arm was broken you would need a plate and pins as well as extreme medication for pain relief. You would also need a support team of professionals such as a surgeon, nurses and physiotherapist to guide you. Your vitality is actually a negative number (-25%) and you are really unable to progress with much in your life until you focus on improving your health.
Sometimes people feel this way without actually having any broken bones. Mental illness is just as important to fix as physical disease and also usually requires a support team of professionals. It is possible to recover in time by yourself but it would require extreme commitment and knowledge to know how. Going it alone also takes a lot longer.
One in five people in Australia live with mental illness. Amongst business owners this percentage may be higher as they endure the stresses of overwhelm from trying to be and do everything for everyone in their business. And they do this without having holidays or even days off, sometimes for years. They are also worrying about cashflow and customers, team members or trying to find the right team members and how to increase profit. They feel like the business is whirling around in their head 24 hours a day. And that was before we had a pandemic to deal with.
Once they actually recognise that they are exhausted, changing the mindset – either by themselves or with the support of some sort of professional or coach – is the starting point to improve things (0% vitality). In the broken arm analogy they’ve had the x-rays to confirm what’s really going on inside and they have a plan to fix the damage.
Being committed to the recovery journey is really important. Having surgery and taking medication to heal inside and/or pain relief will help, but is just the start. Then there’s physiotherapy but not just what happens in the practitioner’s rooms. Doing the exercises at home between visits is fundamental and is an essential part of the healing process.
In the Vitality Journey the equivalent is to systemise your business and/or your life which will take you to 25%: get the business out of your head so that it is easier to share tasks.
As you have more confidence to delegate, stop doing everything yourself and more tasks are performed by team members you will feel immensely relieved and your vitality and happiness will improve to 50%. In the broken arm analogy it’s like when the physio measures your improvement and submits a report to the surgeon ahead of your follow-up visit.
In time if you’re a business owner you will empower your team and take more time away as the business is managed for you. Business systems will improve with your absence as by being away you’ll establish what’s not working and fix it. At this point you’re at 75% vitality and talk of exceeding expectations is no longer a dream. It is to be encouraged.
How long it takes you to fully embrace vitality will depend on your starting point and your speed moving through the stages. It is a journey with its own system though, just like mending a broken arm.
Whilst elements are one-on-one with the business owner(s) it is essentially a group coaching process. We find interaction between business owners provides a stimulating environment for learning and sharing. You’ll receive an abundance of practical tools to help you get the results you need in a safe “boardroom” community with a supportive “from the sidelines” implementation coach.
This program is ideal for:
- Small business owners with a team
- Individual business owners who don’t yet have a team
- Couples who “do” business and life together.
This program can help you as a small business owner to:
- Increase your energy/vitality and bring balance back to your life
- Get the business out of your head to implement systems and processes to remove decision fatigue, reduce mistakes and increase conformity and profits
- Delegate and build trust in your team so you can have days off and holidays
- Bring pleasure, fun and joy back into your life for greater fulfilment and connection to yourself and loved ones.
This program is not for you if:
- You’re not ready to embrace change
- You’re looking for someone to do all the work for you
- You’re wanting to “put a Band-Aid on a broken arm” and then expect an overnight fix.
How small business owners can double their energy, maximise profit and create a fully self-managed business. Reduce stress, increase your vitality and create a lifestyle you love.

Jacqui Bartholomeusz from Harcourts Clayfield, Harcourts Ascot, and Harcourts Nundah in Brisbane said “It’s great to approach business and life from many different angles. This PEPP® Exceed Program gives a rounded view of all aspects of life. It’s been a great exercise.”