Are you feeling jaded, that you’d like to change something… but you’re not quite sure what?
It might be for you personally. It might be in your work or business situation. A PEPP® Up might just be the answer…the starting point. PEPP® is my word for vitality. The “joie de vivre” that is the essence we’re all looking for.
Vitality is different to being positive or happy all the time. Sometimes that’s just not practical or realistic. Change and challenges will happen around us. Some things are in our control and many are not. We need a foundation of resilience and a lens through which to view and work life so we can smooth the path of the rollercoaster. So, with discernment, we can choose when to ride down the mountain and up the big dip or, try to flatten that path.
The consequence of always being at the mercy of everything and everyone else may be mental health challenges. With the incidence of mental illness on the rise – that was the case even before the pandemic – there has never been a better time to take control and use a different set of rules. Your rules. Your rules to live by. Your “non-negotiables”. And that starts with a PEPP® Up.

PEPP® is for everyone.

First you need to know where you sit on the Feeling – Focus – Vitality Journey.
How are you feeling today and what are you going to do about it?
PEPP® is a re-frame on business and life through the lenses of:
- Purpose
- Energy
- Pleasure
- Profit
When you have all these elements in the right proportions for you, you’ll feel more balanced. More in control. A bit like the control you need to ride a unicycle.
We all know what we probably need to do bring our lives back into balance. Your definition of balance may not be the same as your partner, colleague or friend. Sometimes though it takes someone else to make suggestions that resonate with us now. If we’d heard the words of suggested change last year or even last week we may not have been ready.
In our world that has been fundamentally changed on the surface, we need to be really clear about our own priorities and paradigms. How we want to show up and live with vitality rather than skating on thin ice and struggling to survive.
There are programs to suit your situation. You may be an individual looking to give yourself a quick “band aid” and kickstart a new thought process in which case PEPP® Express is for you. This may be as part of a group in person or via Zoom (or similar) to anywhere in the world. It could also be a short or extended PEPP® Exclusive program tailored to your unique needs.
Or you may be a business owner looking for a supportive community as you evolve as a leader and increase profits over the longer term. A version of this 12 month PEPP® Exceed Program has been running for 16 years with some members having been in the cohort for most of that time.
And whatever option you choose, remember that vitality travels and so the benefits you receive will flow on to those in your community whether they be team members or family, clients or suppliers.
Read or listen to what some of Jo’s raving fans have said.