
Finding Vitality in Death

So… it’s all well and good having a new marketing pull-up banner and business cards with the words “Vitality Expert” and putting #vitality wherever possible, but I just Googled “what is the opposite of vitality?” I’m trying to find vitality in death. And if I’m to refer to a Vitality Journey going [...]

June 2nd, 2018|

Service WOW!!! With a Bucket of Ice

We all want great service with every business encounter these days. Sometimes our expectations are met with no further thought or need for comment, sometimes we are disappointed and sometimes we are so happy we are “blown away”. At play are the expectations of the customer and the degree of [...]

May 16th, 2018|

Ask For Help More Often – In Business and In Life

Sometimes (read often) even those of us who are fiercely independent need help. I won’t even say “want” help, but definitely “need” help. If we’re not in the habit of asking for it, it can be hard. Really hard. And really humbling. Sometimes having FUN whilst exercising backfires. Really badly! [...]

May 4th, 2018|


#NeverTooMuchPink * *insert your own favourite “thing” here My “PINKness” has gone from a personal love to a personal brand. Never has that been reinforced so much as during a week in February 2018. I attended the Global Speakers Summit 2018 in Auckland and wore a different pink frock each [...]

February 27th, 2018|