Living without some sort of a plan is like starting the engine of your car and not knowing where you’re driving to. In my world, “plan” is one of the words I’ve selected as an extension of “Purpose”, which is a fundamental in PEPP® – Purpose, Energy, Pleasure and Profit and fundamental to live with vitality for a Vibrant Business and a Vibrant Life.

PEPP® Purpose – Plan

I believe everyone needs to consider PEPP® all the time. The emphasis that you give each element will vary from person to person, and within an individual may change in time depending on what else is going on for them.

Your plan might be as simple as to set a good example to your children or as complex as to leave a legacy that changes the world like Elon Musk.

Plans can be the same for a long time or forever, or change over time.

A plan could be written on the back of an envelope, take a A4 full page or 50 pages. There is magic in recording it in some way so that it is not forgotten – even if it is only the author who refers to it to assist with parts being completed in the correct sequence, if that matters. Sharing though can be good as there is psychological power in that too: having someone else to be accountable to and receive support from can assist with the plan being fulfilled.

There are times when plans happen more naturally or informally such as planning a holiday. Even in that process there is usually benefit in following order for example, not paying for accommodation or tours in a remote location until booking the transport to get there!

When NO plan is OK

There are times though when not living with a plan may be “the plan”. For example, if you tend to live a hectic plan-driven time whilst at work, it is completely refreshing to have a holiday where you are not constantly checking your watch and simply “go with the flow”. You might even decide to do this more regularly like every weekend or on other days off.

When no plan is NOT OK

Sometimes plans are a required part of a business process such as one given to a bank as part of an application for finance.

Your brain loves a plan

Science has now proven that writing down your plans increases their chances of being realised. There is magic in picking up a pen and writing as it connects the right and left sides of the brain: creativity and order are brought together.

This stimulating of the reticular activating system or RAS makes it easier for the brain to look out for signals that help you achieve whatever the plan is. The RAS will filter all the information in your brain to give more attention to what you are focusing on, that is what is written in the plan!

The Hirst Family’s BIG Plan

When I first met Jaydon and Leah Hirst from JMH Mechanical in Geraldton they were working extraordinary hours which makes living with vitality a challenge. They had already created some systems for their business.

I supported them to make a plan to complete systemising their business so that they could take 6 -12 months away and travel around Australia with their young family.

They made that happen from May to October 2018 and I thoroughly enjoyed afternoon tea in Brisbane with Leah.

So what are your plans for 2019?

Winnie the Pooh said “I always get to where I’m going by walking away from where I’ve been.” Don’t live in the past which you have no control over.

And Harley Davidson said “When writing the story of your life, don’t let anyone else hold the pen.” And that means exactly that – hold a pen (or pencil) which, for this activity, gives you much more power than fingers on a keyboard.

I’m here to help you…

Please write your plans down because, in the words of the famous management consultant, author and educator Peter Drucker “The best way to predict the future is to create it.”

If you’d like me to support you in any way towards a more vibrant business and a more vibrant life: to live with more vitality, I’m here to help. What are your BIG or small plans for 2019?