Why live with a plan in 2019?

Living without some sort of a plan is like starting the engine of your car and not knowing where you’re driving to. In my world, “plan” is one of the words I’ve selected as an extension of “Purpose”, which is a fundamental in PEPP® – Purpose, Energy, Pleasure and Profit and fundamental to live with [...]

Finding Vitality in Death

So… it’s all well and good having a new marketing pull-up banner and business cards with the words “Vitality Expert” and putting #vitality wherever possible, but I just Googled “what is the opposite of vitality?” I’m trying to find vitality in death. And if I’m to refer to a Vitality Journey going forward I need to embrace [...]

By |2019-03-06T02:31:48+00:00June 2nd, 2018|Death, Energy, Friend, Love, Pink, Vitality, Vitality Journey|0 Comments